How to choreograph a dubstep dance routine

Have you ever wanted to create a really great dance routine, but have never been sure about how to do it best?

First of all, before we delve in the dub step particular dance style, here are general dance routine guidelines for any kinds of dances to keep in mind :

If you are going for a solo performance, these tips should help you out, too:

Now let’s move more specifically to Dubstep dance choreography as such. Please follow the theoretical steps below:

For those who need more visual tutorials on specific moves, i.e videos, these two below links should be of a great help. Please note that you can find more of them on YouTube. As it is explained in the first link, Dubstep is no more than popping on a dubstep music. So refresh your basic popping techniques and apply them to a dubstep tempo :

Finally, if you are looking for a couple of songs you’d like to practice, check out this link:

Do you have any other tips to share with us ?